With my home made Pin hole box my purpose was to be able to take a visual outside through the hole. I went outside through the football friend with my friend, Taylor, to capture the view of the baseball field. In order to capture the picture we had to place the pinhole box on stable grounds. We were simply NOT allowed to take the box top off or the image would be ruined due to too much exposure of light. Even though I accidentally took the top off I quickly put it on and through the tiny hole, I sat it down to capture the image for 10 seconds. After I finished that I went into the darkroom took the slip of paper out of the bucket and let it sit into the developer,rinse,mixer, toner, etc to reveal my results. It looked blurry , I wasn't satisfied, but
I enjoyed the experience of making it.
I like how you explained the full process of making and using a pin-hole camera. I also like how you added a image of the process.